Web & Applications Developer
Full Stack Developer

“Hello World!” were the first two words out of my mouth is what i would like to say.. and it wouldn’t be that misleading if i do. Rather, those were the first two words I typed on a Computer. Hi, I’m Russel del Rosario, I am a Computer Engineer first and foremost but, my work experience has made me a Web & Applications Developer and has been pursuing that career with a passion since 1999. Yes, i have “suffered” the Millennium Bug!

A & C Creative Services website
A & C Creative Services

Project Roles
Full Stack | Graphic Designer | 3D Modeller

Menu CC
Sample Home Page 2
Project Roles
Project Manager
Lead Progammer
Trainer Graphic Design & 3D Modelling
Hard CC
Candy Catch Educational App

Website Status: Under Construction!

Please email admin@russeldelrosario.com for any enquiry

Menu CC
Sample Home Page

Website Status: Under Construction!

Please email admin@russeldelrosario.com for any enquiry